Thursday, July 25, 2013

ZCut Workout #4 Pre and Post Race Recovery Workouts

Missing a couple weeks - sorry!! But trying to get back to blogging, it's been a tough few weeks since the race in Litchfield and I had my parents up to visit so I fell back on my HIIT interval workouts on 7/16 and 7/23 combining jump rope or other power moves with lifting. But the week before the race we did this killer workout!!

I took a rest day Monday and then on Tuesday did ZCut #4

I started the week with ZCut What you need: two sets of weight - I had 8's and 12's, bench and a mat

Warm Up - Jog, Jacks and Jump Rope, Wide Leg Pushups (3), Squats and Lunges  (about 20 of each) and stretching for the hip flexors, shoulders, calves, etc.

Cardio - 5 Rounds
10 180 Burpees
20 Jump Lunges
10 Pushup
10 Situps
20 Sump Squat Jumps

Stength Workout - 3 Rounds
10 Weighted Pistol Squats
10 Dive Bombers
20 Dragon Lunges - Reverse Lung to Curtsy Squat
10 Curl Press 

20 Curls
20 Bicycles
20 Curls
20 Bicycles
1 minute plank   

After the workout I went for a swim.  

Wednesday - Spin and Evening Run; Thursday - Evening Run;  Friday - Spin/SwimmingSaturday off;  Sunday - Race   

Post Race Workouts
The next week was the week after the race.  I stayed at home to visit with my parents.  So I took Monday off and iced a sore glute.

Then Tuesday I did bootcamp HIIT intervals and at night I did the Party With Purpose 5K race in Hoboken.  I took it easy and really enjoyed it. I ran it with some good friends and it was a lot of fun and we got to have frozen yogurt afterwards

Super Hot 5k in Hoboken, but awesome views of NYC!!

Wed - Spin/Swim and Thursday - Outdoor Sports Barre with Local Barre (Such a disappointment NBC Weather was there filming and I was asked to be interviewed by the police made the truck move and ruined my chances).

I was shocked at how many calories I burned, normally it's about 200-250 but I guess with the heat and biking home I burned a ton.

Friday I did Spin and Swam and then drove up to the Catskills to visit the old better half.  I had quite a time getting up there, a train turned over so I had to subway, bus and train it to Poughkeepsie then get a ride to the Catskills.

Post spin smoothie, banana strawberry.

We rode 27 miles on Saturday and Sunday we did 10 miles. However, now I need to get back on a diet because we ate everything in the Catskills, they had delicious cream soda and root beer.
Delicious soda and food while we were up there. 

The B&B we stayed at the Catskill Maison, which had great food and absolutely gorgeous bedrooms. And great places to ride nearby.

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