This was my first week back to teaching Group Fitness classes in a long time. With Superstorm Sandy hitting New York and my trip to Disney to run the RunDisney Wine and Dine Half, I barely had time to be at the gym. However, this week I picked up 2 classes plus my 2 regular spins.
For both we used a step, 2 sets of weights and a mat. Both of these are to the best of my memory.
Tough Tuesday Workout - 50 minutes
Warm Up
Run/Jump Rope/Jacks
Workout (3 sets of each of 50 sec on 10 sec off, 1 minute rest in between)
Power Squats
Squat/Curl/Overhead press with heavy weights
Mt Climbers w/bench
Hot Feet (30sec) 20 seconds lunge jumps
Reverse lunge with heavy weights
High Knees (30sec) 20 seconds butt kicks
One legged row with weights (left then right then switch and do regular rows)
Squat Thrust
1st set Left Leg Step Up 2nd set Right Leg 3rd set Alternate w/ bench
Hot Feet with one Light Weight (curl and press overhead)
Side Raise to Front Raise with Light Weights
Abs for 10 minutes - I made it up as went and I would do sets of crunches, planks and hit all the target areas.
Cool Down and done!
Thursday Sculpt Throwdown - one hour
Warmup the same as Tuesday
1. Starting on Right
10 squat curl press
on the bench 20 reverse lunge on the right halfway add a curl, curl press for 10 reps (I used 8lbs)
20 curtsy squats, side raise for 10
20 side steps, alternate front raise for 10
10 pushups with hands on step, right leg stacked on left
2. Start with Squat Curl Press for 10 again and go through all the way to pushups on the left.
3. Squat Curl Press for 10, alternate lunge with curl for 20, 10 regular pushups
4. one leg on bench, heavy weight in opposite arm single arm rows on right for 20, double arm tricep press, sitting on bench do one arm curl on the right, tricep dips,
5. switch sides and go through whole set on other side
6. 20 double arm row with deadlift.
7. no weights single leg squat on right after 20, hold and pulse for 8, repeat OR jumps on single leg for 8. 20 squats with heavy weight and repeat on other side, 20 squats with heavy weight
8. Single leg down curl press, 10 on each side, 20 plie squats.
9. Chest press for 15 w/ heavy weights, sitting on step and leaning back on sit bones legs in and out for 10, repeat 3 times except in 3rd set instead of chest press lower weights and do chest flye.
10 Abs - 20 crunches, 20 crunches legs right and 20 left, 20 reverse crunches, Plank hold for 30 seconds, side plank hold for 10 and 5 reach arm under, switch sides.
Cool Down and done!
These workouts were both really hard and I totally felt them in my legs while going up and down my stairs to the 5th and during spin class on Wed and Friday. I added in a bit on the elliptical both T/Th and did a bit of running on Wed on the treadmill (awful!). I went old school in spin classes since I did not have time to prepare music but we had some old school tunes.
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