In the morning, I rarely want to get up never mind eat breakfast. I am the worst morning person despite teaching at 6 a.m. I typically end up coming home, showering and laying on the coach for 30-60 minutes, especially during allergy season when I am exhausted. Since I had no time to cook eggs and pack a lunch, I decided to make a smoothie - which I drink while getting ready and toss in the sink on my way out of the door. This way I know I've eaten something when I get into work and have to head straight into a meeting. Normally I make Ellie Kreiger's Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie and to it I add some chocolate protein powder but today my bananas had rotted and my milk had joined our milk graveyard (aka our collection of rotten milks both mine and Billy's) so I combined what I initially thought would be terrible and turned out to be delicious so I thought I'd share. With nothing in the house I combined:
5 Large Frozen Strawberries (I always try to keep frozen berries for smoothies)
1 heaping teaspoon of almond butter
1/2 cup Chocolate Zico Coconut Water
Half a container of Strawberry Greek Yogurt (I hate the other half)
1/2 scoop chocolate protein powder
It looked positively frightening. However knowing it was this or nothing I whipped up the magic bullet - SUCCESS - it tasted delicious - I kinda wanted to freeze it and make ice cream out of it or just put it in a bowl and sprinkle granola on it. YUM. I think the frozen berries made it thick and the butter made it creamy and it tasted great.
I had just come from my morning workout - I am on Week #4 of training for an Olympic triathlon -- I've yet to sign up (mostly b/c I am short on funds and slightly scared but we'll get there). I can definitely see myself getting more fit. Today I started the day with a mini du (10 minute run all out, 45 min spin class, 10 min jog), a little core and then swimming for 30 minutes. I will post about my week's workout this week as well as our Burn/Sculpt bootcamp class.
have a delicious day! Keep Tri'n!
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