High Energy and Hard Ass...Best compliment you can get as an instructor - that you've walked that fine line between too easy and too hard and kept them motivated.
I subbed my first kickboxing class in a long time this past weekend and overall it was a success! It helped to have friends in the crowd, walking in as a sub to another class can be a horrifying experience. People are skeptical when they don't know you - their first instinct is to be critical, I've had the sighers who complain about ruined workouts. The worst is when they pack up their stuff before you even get started, or worse yet decide to leave one song in to your class. You have a strong desire to prove yourself; however if you go to crazy - they may run in the other direction if they ever see you again. Keeping your confidence is key - if you trust yourself as a professional instructor so will they. Be yourself, but be strong and challenge them - they'll remember you and your workout. And, best advice, keep it simple, they don't know you or your cueing style so better to keep it easy.
I saw several of my attendees from the class tonight - and they were feeling sore. Good news!!
Tonight I subbed a boot camp class, which built on my "back in action workout" but slightly different to assess where the class was at since I don't teach them regularly. We used the body bar (for squats and lunges), 2 sets of weights, mat, step with 2-3 risers. After the warm-up I always do (basically getting the heart rate up, no weighted basic moves and some light stretching). We did:
100 skips
50 squats
10 pushup - any fashion
15 goal post press
15 curls
100 skips
25 R/L Lunge
10 pushups
15 curls
15 overhead press
100 skips
50 squats
10 pushups
15 skull crushers (tricep)
15 rows standing (back)
100 skips
25 L/R lunge
10 pushups
15 chest press
10 tricep dips (those are hard!!)
2 min HIIT interval (shoot squat jumps, lunge w/cross jab, jump rope, football run, heisman)
rest (walk about, more water)
plie squat with elbows out holding one heavy weight
wood chopper R
French press tricep
wood chopper L
both weights curl
no weight - one leg squat jump (if you saw my last punch - this is the sucker punch move)
dead lift
other side one leg jump
dead lift
power squats on the step
ABS - crunches, double crunch, reverse crunch, right side oblique, left side, sitting on step double crunch, plank (hold for 15 seconds).
Now a long hot shower as I prep for boot camp tomorrow.
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