Yesterday, we did a fabulous workout in my Tuesday morning bootcamp class. Fabulous because it left my ass sore and legs burning. When I saw one my students this morning, she let me know that the class had left her exhausted (good exhausted and good sore) and that I should do that class once a month to turn up the intensity every so often. *note taken!
The class idea was snagged from one of my favorite sites - bodyrock.tv. The workout, called "It Will Rain Sweat" was a series of 10 difficult moves times 10 reps. And it did. While I've been interviewing I've spent a lot of time in the rain - miserable hot disgusting rain - and covered in sweat. Rain and sweat that have left me with a ridiculous dry cleaning bill and a newfound kinship with our cleaner. I seem to interview every time there is a mass rainstorm and also a November "heat spell." I end up sweating my ass off in a rain jacket riding in on the Path and then getting soaked while I walk over to interviews (though I am grateful for the opportunities-don't get me wrong!). I've spent a lot of time in office bathrooms under dryers or stripping on the Path train post-interview ripping off a suit jacket that was too hot under a rain jacket. And hair is not meant to be survive this weather. There's been a lot of buns.
As I mentioned, the name "raining sweat" certainly was accurate as I finished the workout totally soaked through as if I'd just left the sauna. The workout was meant to be done 10 times through; however with the task of trying to balance many different levels of fitness and defer repetition that may risk boredom from some patrons - I added my own twist and incorporated the "fit ass" workout using a high step (3 to 4 risers) instead of a chair. By the end of the workout you'll have 50 reps of fit ass and a solid 360 reps of high intensity exercises. For more on bodyrock or if you're short on time check out Bodyrock on facebook for "it will rain sweat" and "fit ass" or their website http://www.bodyrock.tv/
We did our regular warm-up - 5-7 minutes.
90 second JUMP ROPE
20 reps L&R of squat step up knee drive on the step. (Turn left side to step, stand with feet wide apart, step right foot in, step left on step, drive up right knee) SWITCH.
Set of 12 exercises (this is what I used that incorporated some of the bodyrock workout and some changes)
10 burpees
10 weighted (or not) squat jumps
10 pushups (on knees, regular, or legs on step with hands on floor)
10 legs in and out (abs)
10 rows
10 tricep (french press)
10 plank jacks
10 lunge jumps
10 curl and press
10 tuck jumps
10 squats
10 roll ups
60 second jump rope
Set of 20 fit ass again
Repeat set of 12 exercises again
SET THREE (slight changes)
30 second jump rope
Set of 10 fit ass (to make 50 on each side)
Repeat set of 12 exercises again reaching total of 360
obliques - L&R
reverse crunch
repeat 2x
planks - rock side to side
Cool down
TOTAL TIME - 45 to 50 minutes
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